Transitional Kindergarten (TK) information
Transitional Kindergarten Information
TK is for children who will be turning four years of age by September 1st, 2025.
Children born after to Sept 1, 2025 are not eligible for TK.
Children turning 5 on or before September 1st, 2025 are eligible for Kindergarten.
What is Transitional Kindergarten?
Transitional kindergarten (TK) is the first year of a two-year kindergarten program that uses a developmentally and age-appropriate modified kindergarten curriculum. TK does not replicate preschool or kindergarten. It addresses the child’s language, literacy, and pre-math skills with an emphasis on social and emotional development and learning through inquiry & play. The program blends preschool and readiness standards for kindergarten with a focus on hands-on and experiential learning. The TK program is play-based while also focusing on academics in a fun, engaging, hands-on learning environment. Students will have two designated times set aside for free play: outdoor recess and choice time. During these times, students will be exploring during play allowing them to building skills in fine and gross motor, communication, social-emotional, and friendships with the support of the classroom teacher. Students will also be learning in an engaging, hands-on environment encompassing all academics. Exploration includes areas in math, literacy, science, social studies, and art.
Who can attend Transitional Kindergarten?
California’s Universal TK has been expanded. Children who turn 4 before September 1, 2025 are eligible to enroll in TK for the 2025-26 school year.
My child turns 4 on October 1, 2025. Can an exception be made for my child to enroll in TK?
No. Children must turn 4 before Sept 1, 2025 to attend TK.
Assessments are not used to determine TK enrollment eligibility.
My child has a birthday that falls within the TK age-eligibility window. Can my child skip TK and enroll directly to kindergarten?
No. We strictly adhere to the age eligibility requirements for a child to enroll in kindergarten. A child must turn 5 on or before September 1, 2025 to enroll in kindergarten for the 2025-26 school year.
My child will be five by September 1, but is young for his/her age. Can my child be enrolled in TK?
No. We enroll based on birthdate and your child will be enrolled in kindergarten. Your child’s
teacher will work with you to ensure your child has a successful start.
My child was not ready for kindergarten so we held him/her out for a year. Can my six year old be enrolled in kindergarten?
We enroll based on birthdate so your child should be enrolled in first grade and assessed to
determine whether or not this is the appropriate placement.
Is TK mandatory ?
TK is not a mandatory grade. Families with students who turn 5 between September 2nd, 2025 and September 1st, 2026 have the option to enroll in TK or keep their child in preschool.
Do children in Universal TK have to meet the same vaccination requirements as in regular kindergarten?
Yes. Under California’s kindergarten immunization requirements, even four year old children need their pre-kindergarten immunizations prior to the first day of TK.
The TK program follows a minimum day schedule. The hours are 8:20 – 12:25 Monday through Friday.
Daily Schedule (sample -- times vary and may be flexible):
8:20 Welcome/Attendance/Morning Meeting/Music
8:40 Centers
9:20 Read Aloud
9:30 Writers Workshop/Art/Art Masterpiece
9:50 Restroom/Hand washing Break and Snack
10:15 Recess
10:45 Readers Workshop/Social Studies
11:10 Read Aloud
11:20 Math Workshop/Science/Centers
11:40 Choice Time
12:10 Closing Circle
12:25 Dismissal
The TK program provides preschool age children the advantage of an early introduction to learning the routines and expectations of a public-school classroom allowing them greater success in a kindergarten classroom.
TK: Frequently Asked Questions
What should my child bring to school?
Backpack: Students will need a backpack to carry items such as personal belongings and communication papers to and from school.
Snack: Students should bring a snack(s)that can be eaten within 15 to 20 minutes.
Water Bottle: Students should bring a water bottle for use during snack and hot days.
Extra Clothes: Students should have an extra change of clothes for any potty accidents that may occur. This should include a top, bottom, underwear, and socks. If possible, these garments placed in a gallon Ziplock bag labeled with your child’s name.
What type of shoes should my child wear?
Closed toed shoes: This type of shoe protects students toes during active play.
What should my child wear to school?
Layer clothing: Students are encouraged to wear layers so they can adjust their clothing throughout the day depending on weather. The doors and windows will be open to help with ventilation.
What should my child know/practice before attending school?
Flushing a toilet: Many young students are frightened by the sound or action of flushing a public toilet. Please allow them to practice flushing a toilet when they use one with you present.
Zipping and buttoning garments: Students have difficulty with independently zipping and buttoning garments with their small fingers. Practice, practice, practice.
Outwear: Students can practice independently putting on and taking off coats and sweaters.
Opening and closing snack containers: Many students have difficulty opening and/or closing snack containers. Please have your child practice opening and closing snack containers.
Can my child get a hot meal from the cafeteria in TK?
Breakfast and hot lunch: All SLVUSD students are eligible to receive a meal from the school cafeteria. *It is best to notify your child’s teacher, especially at this age, if your child should be getting a meal (breakfast or lunch).
Can my child ride the bus in TK?
Bus rider: Yes, TK students are able to ride the bus. Please contact or visit Transportation Services for more information:
(831) 336-9672